Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Presidential Election - observing from Tokyo-

The time has come around noon in Tokyo.

I was checking CNN website and looking at the number to get to 270.
The time to change America has come by voting for Barack Obama.

I remember that in 1997, former president Clinton gave a speech as a second inaugural address.
Within the speech, he used a key word which describes the needed word for America, "Change."
As people are aware, Mr.Clinton likes John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr.
He wanted to be the one to change the world.

The person who was elected by promising people to change is next president of United States of America, Barack Obama.

By observing from the other side of the Pacific, I am wondering what was the key point to persuade people to choose him.

Are these factors to choose?
Economy issue
African American
good looking
good at speech
vice president
sympathy for his grad-ma
money by using IT
no more war
not emotional in public

I hope this change will lead the better future for anybody in the world.

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